Gorgas Supervising scientist

Alabama Science Scholar Search and Gorgas Scholarship Competition

Supervising Scientist Form 

If a student does any substantial research in a scientist’s laboratory, these questions below must be answered by the scientist and emailed as an attachment to Dr. Buckner.  If the student’s project involved the use of non-human vertebrate animals or tissue, the supervising scientist is also required to complete and sign the additional approval form.   For projects involving human participants, the IRB approval must be signed as indicated.  Please send as an attachment in an email with the subject as Gorgas-student last name-supervising scientist to gorgasscholarshipcompetition@gmail.com or ebbuckner@gmail.com

  1. Name of scientist, telephone number, email, institution/department, office phone and date.
  2.  How did the student get the idea for his/her project? If it was part of an ongoing project, describe how the student’s work was part of or differed from the overall project.
  3. Did the student work on the project as part of a team or a group and what was the student’s role on the team? What was your role in supervising or mentoring the student?
  4. How independently did the student work on the project? What parts did the student do on his/her own, and on which parts did he/she receive help (in the design, choice of methods, use of equipment, gathering data, analysis and conclusions, etc.)?
  5. What did the student do that showed creativity? Please give examples?
  6. What was the duration of the student’s research program at your institution ( number of hours per session, number of weeks, full-time vs. part-time, etc.)?
  7. Did the student complete any special training or participate in human or animal protection training prior to initiating the project? Please describe.
  8. Additional Comments:

Reminder:  Projects involving the use of human subjects or non-human vertebrate animals or tissue require the appropriate approval forms and signatures of supervising scientists.