
AJAS – an AL competition for scholarships and to qualify for the Junior Science and Humanities Symposium.  The  JSHS  is sponsored by the tri-services and the DoD.  They also offer educational outreach programs like summer internships and research experience opportunities (see below).

Local registration is based on the AMSTI zones below.  Locals are informal, require a recording of your presentation and a zoom meeting.  This occurs in late January and early February.  From these, we select the top 60 students in Alabama to participate in state competition.
Sign up for  Local competitions in one of the following below regions.  State competition is at Troy University in Montgomery on February 20th and 21st.  Click here for the registration process.  Or click here for local registration form.  Email questions to Dr. Mark T Jones, state director at jonesmt@troup.org

Click here for the Alabama Science trail and  research ideas and contacts

Online mentoring available through zoom.   Would you like access to a Gizmo platform to explore research ideas with online inquiry applications that have many variables to manipulate?  Email with gizmo in the subject to Dr. Mark T Jones (jonesmt@troup.org).

OTHER resources

Core rules of competition

State Judging rubric

DoD internships

Scholarships/  Applications


How does our competition allow you a science experience?
How can this experience influence you as a student? AJAS 1819 co-president explains how she has moved from experience to experience in science research.

National JSHS is administrated by

Sponsored by

and in partnership with

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